Tales of symphonia chronicles save data costumes
Tales of symphonia chronicles save data costumes

tales of symphonia chronicles save data costumes

Shortly thereafter, she and her husband collapsed in the Ymir forest, presumably in an attempt to return, and were found by the elder of Exire. Eventually, Virginia decided to put Raine and Genis through the portal of the Otherworldly Gate, hoping to give them a brighter future in the fabled land of Sylvarant. It was while they were escaping from their pursuers that Raine fell from a ship into the ocean, causing her aquaphobia. In order to prevent the Imperial Research Academy from reaching them, Virginia and her husband, Kloitz Sage ( クロイツ・セイジ, Kuroitsu Seiji ?), constantly fled. The Imperial Research Academy of Sybak was desperate to take the already very intelligent Raine, and possibly Genis as well, to raise and study at the Academy. However, Raine receives Virginia's diary from the elder of Exire, which reveals the reason she was abandoned with Genis. Furious at her mother's amnesia, she yells at Virginia before running out in tears. When the group asks her about Genis, Virginia is surprised that they knew what she would name her second-born if it was a boy. They realize that Virginia has become delusional and amnesiac, perhaps from the trauma of abandoning her children and losing her husband, and is permanently stuck in her own past. She and her friends go to visit her, but when they arrive they discover that Virginia is in a greatly disturbed state, and thinks a doll she is cradling is a baby Raine. Later, when the group travels to Exire, the floating city of half-elves, Raine discovers that her mother, Virginia Sage, is actually living there. The only known fact is that she has a younger brother, Genis, and that she has been acting like a mother for him. Raine's family is not well-known at the beginning of the story. 4.4 Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 3.4.3 Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2.4.2 Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology.

tales of symphonia chronicles save data costumes tales of symphonia chronicles save data costumes

4.1 Tales of the World: Narikiri Dungeon 3.1.2 Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World.

Tales of symphonia chronicles save data costumes